Monday Night Coed Open League
The Coed league is a great way to grab all sorts of friends and create a team for some fun and healthy competition! Our Coed league is open to all ages 16 and older. 1 female per team must be on the field at all times.
6 v 6
Certified Officials
44 Minute games
Teams must have 1 female on the field at all times (including goalie)!
PureGrass Next Generation Turf
Boarded Field (185’x85′)
No Offsides!
MEMBERSHIP: Annual Registration fee required for all participants. $30/Individual or $60/Family
WAIVER & RELEASE: All participants must have an active facility waiver signed and on file before participating.
TEAM DEPOSIT: A minimum, non-refundable deposit equal to one league fee is due at the time of team registration.
ROSTERS: Rosters must contain a minimum of 9 players paid in full 1 week prior to the first game. Teams without may risk losing a spot in the session.
DAYSMART LOGIN: Schedules, Standings, Team Messaging & Game Info