Youth Soccer Leagues

Our Youth Soccer leagues are offered for players between the ages of U9-U18 (7 years old - 18 years old). Leagues are fun and recreational, but also have a healthy mix of competition. Registration is taken by team. It is open to both males and females. All teams must have a minimum of 9 paid players on the roster. If you do not have a team, you can register as a Free Agent. Follow instructions from the list of buttons (Downloads and Links) to register a team, individual, or as a Free Agent.

There are NO practices included in league fees. Players MUST wear shin guards and flat indoor shoes.



  • Register as a team. Games start the weekend of Friday, November 1.

Registration Deadline: Saturday January 8th, 11:59pm

  • Coaches should NOT wait until the deadline date to have their teams registered.

  • All teams MUST HAVE A MINIMUM of 9 players paid by the deadline. In the event your team does not have 9 paid, the first wait-listed team will be bumped into your spot (given they have their 9 players paid).

  • All teams must have a Team Manager/Coach 18+ (Team Manager CANNOT be on the roster as a player).

League Dates: February 14th - March 15th
Ages: 7 - High School
Games: 4
Days: Friday - Sunday
Price: $70/player
Yearly Membership: $30/Individual, $60/Family if not up-to-date

Free Agents:
Sign up individually on the Waitlist Free Agent Team for your age group. We will attempt to place you on a team or create a team of free agents.

*Refunds will be issued if Soccer Planet staff cannot find you a team.

APPROXIMATE Youth Playing Times

Friday Saturday Sunday
6:10pm U13/U14 1:10pm U9/U10 10:40am U9/U10
7:00pm U13/U14 2:00pm U9/U10 11:30am U9/U10
7:50pm U16 2:50pm U11/U12 12:20pm U9/U10
8:30pm HSG 3:40pm U11/U12 1:10pm U11/U12
9:30pm U18 4:30pm U13/U14 2:00pm U11/U12
10:20pm* 5:20pm U13/U14 2:50pm U11/U12
6:10pm U13/U14 3:40pm U11/U12
7:00pm U13/U14 4:30pm U13/U14
7:50pm U16 5:20pm U13/U14
8:40pm HSG 6:10pm U13/U14
9:30pm U18 7:00pm U13/U14
10:20pm* 7:50pm U16
8:40pm HSG
9:30pm U18


* Times are approximate. The above times do not take into account team conflicts & requests that may occur. 

*10:20pm times will be given to U18 teams if we have enough teams to need that time slot.